Sometimes writing a blog feels like I am writing my diary to the
whole world. I guess it is, so since it is I might as well get good at it.
Yesterday somebody asked me what my hobbies are and I had an
uuuuuhhmmm.... moment. That was not good, when I was younger and somebody asked
me what my hobbies were, that list would go on and on. Reason I had an
uuuhhhmmm moment was because when I list my hobbies I always had answer with
examples from here to Timbuktu.
Anyway so this is me, I have hobbies, many hobbies but I have not
been treating them as such. Actually I have not been doing any of the things
that I would say I enjoy doing.
I love cycling, *Yes I can cycle* it's been more than 3 months
since I last cycled. I have excuses, many of them as to why I have not cycled
in such a long time but no concrete reason as to why I have not cycled.
I love reading, atleast that has been done,but not as actively as
I used to. I used to read atleast 1 book per week. I love hiking, let's not
even go there.
I love playing basketball and photography. I have missed out on
all this because I am busy trying to make money. Working hard to pay bills,
working hard to get stuff that people will not even care that you have. I'm
being honest, I have missed on so much of my life because I want to do stuff
that people consider normal and the best for me. Yeah I no longer reflect and
think of how I can make a difference in the lives of those I interact with.
It's the sad truth, so this is me attempting to come back to why I live. To
come back to the essence of my life which is to glorify God and when I do that
I tend to do more of what I enjoy than work work work work work.... you
get my drift... if not, such is life...
My two cents here is that God had a purpose and a plan when he
created each and every one of us. Don't get caught up in the chase; don't get
caught up in the famous rat race... Get caught up in that which you were
created for. Find God, find your purpose, if it means you go out for a hike, do
it, if it means you focus all your energy in a sport, Basketball, football,
chess, squash.... by all means do it.
Find God Find You....
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